
Wissenschaftliche und technische Beratung



From the very beginning, the “C” of HHAC has stood for “Consulting“: It thus encompasses scientific and technical consulting concerning topics covered by our core competencies.

Whether analytics or stability tests, chemical-physical or microbiological issues – we are permanently at your disposal as a competent sparring partner.

We will gladly advise you

What does this mean in practice?

Example 1: Analytics

We provide you with our first-class know-how, especially in the installation and validation, transfer or verification of test methods. In addition, we always support you with the clear goal in mind of delivering robust methods for routine analysis in a timely manner.

Example 2: Stability testing

By request you can receive our all-included service package! We calculate the required test sample amount for you, store the samples, remove them in due time and perform the analysis. Our customers also gladly take advantage of our offer to provide them with GMP-compliant documentation based on their own records.

Example 3: Quality management

QM manuals must first be created and then regularly revised or supplemented: We take care of this for you!

We provide support in the preparation of GMP inspections or accreditations and we will also assist you during audits and inspections.

Example 4: In-house training

Employees with experience in laboratory and quality assurance carry out basic training courses on GMP in quality control. Recurring topics include the validation of analytical methods, working with pharmacopoeias, the organization of analytical method transfers, dealing with OOS results or similar topics from this spectrum. Current and individual issues which customers may have are given appropriate consideration in customized training courses. Training courses take place on site or online.

In addition, our extensive consulting spectrum includes a variety of support scenarios that are individually tailored to your needs.
With us, good advice is highly valuable in terms of quality, but not expensive! Contact us – we will be happy to support you!